Sunday, December 6, 2009

Party In the USA

Hey guys! How was everyone's week?? Sorry for the major delay in posting! I was personally being extra lazy! But anywho... it snowed here this Saturday and it's beggining to look a lot Christmas...... haha okay that was corny! But yeah the snow was pretty..I hate it when the snow prevents you from getting places though!

So we went to a cocktail birthday party for the beautiful Doreen! Here are some pics..the event was so intimate and lovely. From chocolate covered strawberries..shrimp..I'm so glad we stopped by to make her birthday memorable!

The cake was soooooo goooood..Key Lime Cake yumm..and the cupcakes were delicious!

Happy Birthday Doreen!!

Here shoes were too cute! (Bakers)

Thanks for stopping by! Make sure to see more of the fabulousness of Doreen and Co at their wonderful blog 4AcesDate!

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