Thursday, January 28, 2010

"10 Ways to Tell He's Into You"

Hey guys! How has everyone been? Can you believe that January is almost coming to an end? Wow..time is just flying by! I hope you all are being productive and taking advantage of the time though. lol.

Anywho.. so I just had to post this entry I found on BOSSIP entitled "10 Ways to Tell He's Into You". This entry is for all you daters out there. Dating can be good...and on those "unsure" days it can be confusing.

Even though these 10 signs surely do not cover all the indications of a swooning man, they should give you a good idea of what to look for. Too often women overanalyze irrelevant details and overlook the tell-tale signs when it comes to gauging just how into you he is. A lot of times women have a general thought or idea of how a man is supposed to act when he’s diggin’ her i.e. flowers, cards, and candy, which can come with time but in the beginning, the signs are subtle yet obvious! Remember, body language speaks louder than words and it would be good pay attention to his gestures!

Calls and Texts - if a man is truly digging a woman he will call, a lot of times for no reason. If he calls or shoots you a text saying, “hey, have good day” you’re on his mind! If he returns your calls in a prompt manner, he wants you to know that he’s not dodging you and making an effort to take the time to let you know that.
He Tries New Things for You - you obviously had a life before you started dating this guy so you know that Yoga class you take three nights a week? If you say “hey, you wanna come with me one night?” and he comes along, he’s taking one for the team! Why? Because he wants to spend time with you, get to know you and the things you take interest in.
He Introduces You to His Friends - if a guy is into you, chances are he’s told his friends about you. Men normally don’t go introducing their friends to the “jump-off” so if you meet his boys from childhood, the ones he play sports with on the weekends and the ones he works with, he’s into you. You’ll know for sure if the boys know things about like what you do for a living and for leisure. All this means is he’s been bragging about his boo!
He Gets to Know Your Friends - this is a two way street, right? So if he takes the time to hang out with you and your girls, he’s making his presence in your life known. He’ll also do this to get to learn your role in their lives and how you behave around them. Are you the wild-child party animal, the witty but funny voice if reason or the conservative who sits back and observes? If he’s really into you, he’ll make a point to get in good with the bestie so he knows who to call in case you get missing!
He Values Your Opinion - no matter how big or small the scenario, if he asks your opinion and takes the advice you give, then it’s safe to say he trusts you. If it’s as simple as, “does the blue or black shirt look better with this suit” or “do you think I should take my mother here or there for her birthday?” All this means is he trusts your judgment and values your opinion.
Random Caresses - if a man is into you, he’ll want to be close. If he’s diggin’ you, he wants to be close enough to you to smell you and sneak a touch or two. Some men are the aggressive type and will caress the small of your back, tug at your hips, or give you a solid squeeze.
Open Posture – If the two of you are sitting across from each other and he’s hunched over table, he may struggle with revealing his feelings and thoughts physically and verbally. But if a guy sitting across from you is leaning towards you with his shoulders raised with a slight head tilt, his body language is indicating that he’s interested in you and what you have to say.
Gazing - as the old saying goes “eyes are the gateway to the soul,” and this is so true! It’s easy to tell a man is totally detached if you’re talking about something you feel passionate about and he’s distracted, fidgeting and looking everywhere but in your eyes. He’s not interested, period. But if you’re speaking and he’s giving you eye contact, then he’s connected. Think about it: it’s highly unlikely a man will readily admit that you have him open, but if he’s staring in your eyes while you speak and allows you to look back, he’s letting you in.
Nervous Sprucing - if a guy is totally into himself, then you’ll know the difference between narcissistic grooming and nervous sprucing. If the gentleman you’re feeling is constantly brushing miniscule lent off his shoulder, adjusting his shirt and smoothing his freshly cut hair, he wants to look good for you! He’s trying his hardest to look his best for you, so don’t be surprised if he asks you if he has anything in his teeth! These gestures are simply nervous quircks.
Facial Expressions - you can always tell how a man feels by his expression when he first sees you. For example, if he’s picking you up for a date, pay attention to the look on his face. If he raises his eyebrows and has an expression that mirrors surprise, he’s happy to see you and excited to spend time with you. Men don’t like to be rejected, so if he looks relieved, he’s glad you showed up and thrilled about the time he’ll spend with you. By the end of the night, if he looks like he’s anxious or can’t keep his eyes off you, chances are he’s having troubles keeping his hands off you also. Don’t be too proud to reach out to him for a solid hug!

The best advice I have for you guys is to Go With the Flow..dont trip. If a person likes will know!

Make sure to visit BOSSIP and check out their site.

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