Saturday, December 31, 2011

The Best of 2011 MYLM Style

2011 is slowly coming to a close...and 2012 WILL BE HERE IN A FEW HOURS...literally! So of course we had to grace you guys with some of our favorite looks of 2011. We had such a fun year and really came into our own happy to see our growth! There's so much more to come. Enjoy our pics and thanks for all the support and love. We love you all!

MUAH...from MYLM!


MYLM Style: Yvonne's Trip To Nigeria!

Hey guys! So I've been on a mini hiatus but it's because I've been out of the country for a bit. I went to Nigeria to be in my friend's wedding and also spent my Christmas there! Nigeria was truly a great experience..loved the culture and everything the country had to offer! Check out some pics I took...
We had Asisat's bachelorette party on Victoria Island in Nigeria! So much fun!
Part 1 was the traditional engagement! I loved this! Beautiful colors and lace fabric for us to wear!

I loved every detail of Asisat's dress! She really picked a beautiful gown and the details we wore were also amazing! Loved loved loved my veil!

Tear drop... beautiful beautiful experience!! Sooo happy for Asisat!! Gave me good ideas for my well whenever that happens!

I missed you guys!! Hope you enjoyed the pics!

Sunday, December 25, 2011


Christmas greetings
Miranda and Yvonne would like to wish a warm, heartfelt Merry Christmas to all of our readers. Thanks for the continuous support and love. We appreciate you all!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

New Video: Rihanna's "You Da One"

RiRi is back at it with another track titled "You Da One" off her newest  album, "Talk That Talk." Ok, so Rihanna is my girl, I do like her...but this video is very played in my personal opinion. She looks cute, I guess, with the blond bob wig and wacky outfits (which is nothing new).  I mean the gyrating and crotch grabbing is old news. She does the same moves in most of her videos when she's trying to be sexy. I don't know about you guys, but I would love to see her have a video that actually has a choreographed dance or theme, or do something unique that she's never done before. No hate on my part, but stepping out of her oversexed image would be great!

We get it: she is a rebel bad ass who exudes sex, sex, and more sex...but I'm personally falling asleep. Zzzzz.


New Years Style Guide

Hey Dolls!

I'm sure everyone is scrounging around to find that perfect New Years outfit (including me!) The best part about shopping for New Years is the sales! There are soooo many options for a cute look, you just gotta add some glitter, sparkle, or shine to make you stand out! Some people may think sequins are overrated for New Years, but I love them!! It's the perfect dose of festivity and sexiness!

If your looking for other ways to spice up your outfit instead just a sequin dress, try other pieces such as a sequin skirt or sequin shorts, a sequin blazer. You could also opt for a metallic sweater and some skinny pants and booties with crazy jewelry. There are sooooo many options. Check these out:

New Years 2

New Years 3

New Years 4

There are TONS of ways you can design your outfits, but these may help. Just remember not to go overboard on your sparkle...limit it to one or 2 things (preferably one, but depending what it is, you could get away with two).

Email us your sparkly looks and we will post them for Reader Spotlight!!!