Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Honey Suckles

Happy Tuesday! Although it really feels like a Monday... lol. I hope your day is going by well thus far though! And hello to our new followers!
Thank You for being part of MYLM. We appreciate everyone who has given us positive feedback!

Ok so who has seen Solange's shoot with Honey Mag? She looks soooooooo good and I'm starting to like her better with shorter hair! Even though Miranda kills it with her short hair, me personally I like having my hair longer. I wish I had the guts to cut it off. Hmmm. Well here are the pics from Solange's shoot. Read her interview here.

Solange's EITHER OR

I did my own..

salad or wings: wings
iphone or blackberry: BlackBerry!! Both of us have BB and we are loyal!
twitter or facebook: both have pros and cons but I say facebook
reggae or rock: i love reggae :)
reality tv or netflix: hard one! but i love movies.. so netflix
blunt or bottle: champagne pedicures :) lol
top or bottom: i always aim to rise to the top and succeed :) but i like her response also!

I will end on a quote from Rev Run... he couldn't have said it better..
"A wise man once said.... The true test of relationships is not only how loyal we are when friends fail, but how thrilled we are when they succeed. (Remember this) Many average people do not want others to go beyond average..... The question we must ask ourselves is this.... Do I enjoy and root for the success of my friends???? Don't hate congratulate!"



  1. just stumbled on your blog...very fab...can u guys do a post on bargain shopping(shoes,bags,clothes.....u know like stores or websites to get really cut stuff from....
    I'll be back to read all the posts from the beginning :)

  2. Thank you Issa!

    Any yes we would definitely do a post on bargain shopping! We are in the DMV area so I hope the stores in our location are near you!

    Thank you for stopping by!
