Wednesday, September 1, 2010

PURPLE...The "IT" Fall Color

Happy September Readers!

Wow! So i Can't believe it's already September...gosh how time flies! What are everyone's Fall fashion updates??

The color purple is all over the fashion scene this Fall, especialy in the makeup arena. So, of course I had to post on some of the yummy plums and purples that are all the rage.

Chanel and YSL have new collections featuring the pretty hue:


Others Favs:

The Smashbox Masquerade Collection is awesome! They have pretty smoky, deep purples, plums, blacks and grays that are sure to give you a beautiful look this Fall season.

Urban Decay Matifying Blot Powder...good for oily skin and erasing natural shine in the T-zone.

Have fun and experiment with your faces, Ladies! You are all DIVAS!


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